-Legal Psychologist, Expert Witness, Blogger -
Henry Otgaar

Finding the Truth in the Courtroom: Dealing with Deception, Lies, and Memories
In many criminal trials, forensic technical evidence is lacking and triers of fact must rely on the reliability of eyewitness statements, identifications, and testimony; however, such reports can be riddled with deceptive statements or erroneous recollections. Based on such considerations, the question arises as to how one should weigh such eyewitness accounts given the theoretical and empirical knowledge in this field. Finding the Truth in the Courtroom focuses on how legal professionals, legal/forensic psychologists, and memory researchers can decide when statements or identifications are based on truthful or fabricated experiences and whether one can distinguish between lies, deception, and false memories.
The contributors, key experts in the field, assemble recent experimental work and case studies in which deception or false memory plays a dominant role.

Inleiding in de Rechtspsychologie
Kunnen verdachten een moord bekennen die ze niet hebben gepleegd? Kunnen mensen zich herinneren dat ze zijn misbruikt terwijl dat niet het geval is? Deze en andere thema's worden besproken in dit nieuwe boek over de rechtspsychologie. Het boek bevat verschillende hoofdstukken over een aantal belangrijke thema's in de rechtspsychologie zoals ooggetuigenidentificatie, leugendetectie en nog veel meer.
"Interested in becoming a legal or forensic psychologist?"
Interested in being educated by top experts in the field of legal and forensic psychology? Top experts that work in the section Forensic Psychology, Maastricht University and who are specialized in topics such as false memories, trauma and memory, eyewitness identification, lie detection, maligering, psychopathy, risk assessment, treatment etc. This section provides two masters in this area: a 1-year Psychology and Law track and a 2-year Forensic Psychology track. If you have interest, follow this link:
Masters Forensic Psychology, Maastricht University
"Interested in becoming a member of my research team or False Memory Journal Club"
If you have a keen interest in forensic or legal psychology and you want to conduct some research in this area, then let me know. Also, I have regular meetings with colleagues in the field and students in which we discuss recent papers in the field of psychology, discuss recent data, and hold various workshops on different themes (statistics, presenting etc). Here too, if you are interested, please join!
Recent papers