-Legal Psychologist, Expert Witness, Blogger -
Henry Otgaar
PhD-students:, post-docs, and assistant professors
Jane Wang (assistant professor, Fudan University)
Main expertise: False memories and non-believed memories: Mechanisms and consequences
Tameka Romero (PhD)
Main expertise: The mnemonic consequences of strategies to delay disclosure of sexual abuse
Sanne Houben
Main expertise: False memory effects of therapeutic interventions
Nael Sumampouw
Main expertise: Risk assessment and investigative interviewing
Lilian Kloft
Main expertise: Effects of Cannabis and MDMA on false memory formation
Bruna Calado
Main expertise: Child interviewing
Carey Marr
Main expertise: Stress and eyewitness memory
Brenda Erens
Main expertise: Child (sexual) abuse, forensic child interviewing, and trauma and attachment
Ivan Mangiulli (post-doc)
Main expertise: crime-related amnesia
Fabiana Battista
Main expertise: Lying and memory
Charlotte Buecken
Main expertise: False denials and false memories
Paul Riesthuis
Main expertise: Lying and memory
Nurul Arbiyah
Main expertise: Credibility assessment
Elsa Li
Nonbelieved memories of trauma
Yikang Zhang
Nonbelieved memories and memory distrust