-Legal Psychologist, Expert Witness, Blogger -
Henry Otgaar
Sanne Houben
(Inter)national publications
2018 and in press
Houben, S. T. L., Otgaar, H., Roelofs, J., & Merckelbach, H. (in press). EMDR and false memories: A response to Lee, de Jongh, and Hase (2018). Clinical Psychological Science.
Houben, S. T. L., Otgaar, H., Roelofs, J., & Merckelbach, H. (2018). Lateral eye movements increase false memory rates. Clinical Psychological Science, 6, 610-616.
Otgaar, H., Houben, S. T. L., & Howe, M. L. (in press). Methods of studying False Memory. In B. L. Schwartz & H. Otani (Eds.), Research methods in Human memory research.
Houben, S. T. L. (2016). 'That didn't happen': Memorial consequences of false denials for neutral and negative material. Maastricht Student Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience, 5, 9-24.
Under review